St. Andrew Dung-Lac and Companions

St. Andrew Dung-Lac worked in ]missions in Vietnam with priests from the Foreign Mission Society of Paris. He was imprisoned and repeatedly tortured during the persecutions in Vietnam between 1820 and 1840, ordered by an emperor who was known for his persecutions of Christians. Today, we celebrate the feast of 117 martyrs from the 17th through 19th century. Among the 117 companions, 96 were Vietnamese, 11 were Spanish, and 10 were French. Eight of the group were bishops, 50 were priests, and 59 were lay Catholics. Their martyrdom reminds us that life on earth is very short and what truly matters is our faithfulness to God. Each of the 117 has a unique story that can serve as an inspiration to us on our faith journey.


St. Catherine of Alexandria


St. Columban