St. Junipero Serra

Patron Saint of California

St. Junipero Serra was a Spanish-born Franciscan missionary in the 1700s. After spending several years as a professor of philosophy in Spain, he forewent a prestigious academic career and followed his true desire to serve as a missionary priest in the Americas. Relentless in his goal to spread the Gospel, Fr. Junipero founded eight missions in modern-day California, including well-known places like San Diego, San Francisco, and Ventura. He died in 1784 after 14 years of missionary work. The missions he founded in California make up a popular pilgrimage trail today. He was beatified by Pope St. John Paul II in 1988 and canonized by Pope Francis in 2015, the first canonization to take place in the United States. He is the patron saint of California.

Pilgrimage Site in the United States


St. Thomas, Apostle


First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church