Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

Michael the Archangel is usually depicted with the armor of a Roman general, threatening a demon or dragon with a spear. He is the prince of the Celestial Militia who fights against Satan and his legion. He is a protector of the faithful, especially of marriages. Archangel Gabriel, represented with liturgical clothes, bears the symbol of peace and his three fingers represent the Holy Trinity. He appeared before the Virgin Mary to announce the Incarnation of the Son of God and is the celestial patron of telecommunication. Archangel Raphael carries a pilgrim's staff and the fish that healed the father of Tobias, from the book of Tobit. He is sent to earth to alleviate pain, cure illnesses and complete trips. "In front of the Angels I will perform for you, Lord" (Ps: 138)

Catholic Apostolate Center Blog Post on Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

Pilgrimage Sites in the United States


St. Francis Borgia


St. Lorenzo Ruiz