St. Rita of Cascia

Patron Saint of Lost and Impossible Causes and Difficult Marriages

St. Rita of Cascia lived in Italy at the end of the 14th into the 15th century. St. Rita was married, but her husband was killed as a result of political conflict. Shortly after, her sons died of dysentery, leaving Rita without a family. After much prayer, she became an Augustinian nun where she hoped to help reconcile conflict and disputes like those that killed her husband. She dedicated herself to penance, prayer, and to the love of the Crucified Christ. Upon St. Rita’s canonization in 1900, Pope Leo XIII declared her a Patroness of Impossible Causes, and she is a patron saint of difficult marriages. "Oh Jesus, make me a participant in your pains.” -St Rita of Cascia

Catholic Apostolate Center Blog Post on St. Rita of Cascia

Pilgrimage Sites in the United States


Bl. Louis-Zéphirin Moreau


St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions